Tuesday 30 July 2013

More Updates On 22 Jump Street, Including Reason Behind The Title And More

"Well, one of us is going to have to change."
With filming beginning in September for the sequel to the 2012 comedy hit 21 Jump Street, aptly named 22 Jump Street, directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller have announced some more news regarding the sequel. In a recent interview with Collider.com, Lord and Miller revealed they were returning to direct the sequel. They also compared the relationship between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum in the movie to a marriage, stating "if the first movie is about two people getting together for the first time, this is about what happens if you try to really make the relationship work." 

Lord and Miller also revealed why the sequel is called 22 Jump Street, saying "it's called 22 Jump Street because the move across the street." Makes sense if you think about it. I can't wait for this to come out next year. I loved the first one and I'm sure this one will be amazing.

Ryan Meyers

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