Friday 24 May 2013

On My Watchlist: World War Z

Zombies. Zombies everywhere. I know that would throw a lot of people off because zombies have been done time and time again, but this looks amazing. From the trailer alone, it had me hooked. The story goes like this. A pandemic breaks out all over the world. People are being infected faster than they can be cured. Brad Pitt plays Gerry Lane, a United Nations employee, who is tasked with the job of "solving the problem" of the outbreak, while protecting his family, his friends, and the whole world. But, you know, no pressure!

From director Marc Forster (Quantum of Solace, Machine Gun Preacher), and based on the novel by Max Brooks, it looks like we have a hit action/thriller zombie film on the way.

Here's the trailer:

Ryan Meyers

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D (2013) Review

Evil Wears Many Faces

Okay, well this review is a bit late but the restriction of horror in Australia is quite bad. So here is my review for the 2013 release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D. 

Director: John Luessenhop

Writer:   Adam Marcus,
              Debra Sullivan 
              Kristen Elms.

Staring:  Alexandra Daddario
              Dan Yeager
              Trey Songz
              Scott Eastwood
              Tania Raymonde

Plot: In 1974, after the first massacre, the townspeople suspected the Sawyer family were to blame. A mob of locals surrounded the family home and burnt it to the ground, killing every last member of the family. Years later, Heather, a young woman finds out that she was adopted and is the last heir of the Sawyer family. She then inherits a Texas estate from her grandmother. She decides to bring her friends on a road trip to investigate her shocking inheritance. It is then when she discovers she has inherited a mansion. However, a certain terror waits for them in the basement....Leatherface...and he gives them a "blood-full" night they will not forget. 

Review: As a horror freak, who loved the original classic based on a true story, I was overall happy with how the film played out....they had the massive mystery aspect in this film which was really good along with the normal horror/thriller. It would have been good to use more scares in the film. Unlike most horror films, this had a lot of character development especially with Heather, the main character of the film. You could see how she changed throughout the film. 

The effects were used quite good as always. What I would have liked to see is more of the deaths scenes. They happened far to quickly for my liking. It would have been good too see it progress over some time like they have used in previous horror films. Not only did I want too see longer death scenes, but I wanted too see more deaths. The death count for Leatherface in this film was not high enough compared to the previous films. Hopefully, if they get the chance, they can make much more of an impact by showing how strong Leatherface actually is. 

Rating: Overall, the film was quite good. I give it a 5.9/10. If there were a little more suspense with more deaths, it could have been such a great movie for horrors. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

U3D Casts: Justice League

Bad. Ass.

So, we all know that the Justice League movie is coming out in 2015, right? If not, now you know. People all over the internet have been sharing their picks for who they think should play the heroes. The line-up was leaked a while back, and it seems Warner Bros and DC Comics have played it safe by having the five more known characters (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Flash) to not only appeal to comic fans, but also a much broader audience.

Comic fans may argue saying that other characters like Aquaman and Martian Manhunter should be included, but I say that the wider audience DC and Warner Bros are trying to appeal to wouldn't really know them. But, saying that, I'm not saying they won't be included, whether they're cameo appearances or get their own movies later on. I've decided to include a few extra characters to say who should play them if the chance arises.

Now, if you read this and think that someone in Marvel's recent films should be in it, I'm just going to say now they won't be. Most of them have signed multi-film contracts to Marvel, so they can't sign a multi-film contract with DC. It's common sense. You may be upset by this (I know I'm still upset about Marvel stealing Anthony Mackie from me, he was my Green Lantern originally), but just bear with it. We have to start looking at not only who should do it, but also who could do it and who would do it.

Let's get started!

Superman/ Clark Kent- Henry Cavill
Okay, so with Man of Steel coming out this year, it's most likely going to be a success. And I'm not talking a
bit of a success, I'm talking huge profits, Dark Knight-like, success. It's no wonder that star of Man of Steel, Welshman Henry Cavill will reprise his role in Justice League. From what I've seen in the trailers, he gives a great job and a very convincing performance as Superman. Now, this is only going off the idea that Man of Steel is a success (which it most probably will be). If it isn't however, the folks over at DC and Warner Bros will have to choose his replacement. I suggest my second choice, Jon Hamm. I haven't seen much of Mad Men, but what I have seen of it, Hamm is amazing in it. He definitely can pull it off if Cavill isn't re-cast.

Batman/ Bruce Wayne- Michael Fassbender
Now, before you guys freak out by saying Christian Bale or Joseph Gordon-Levitt should be Batman because of The Dark Knight Rises, that isn't going to happen. Christopher Nolan said he isn't going to be involved in Justice League, Bale said he won't be coming back, and JGL said his character John Blake isn't Robin the superhero, but his name is just a tribute to the character. So there. Anyway, that's why we need a new Batman. I vote for Michael Fassbender. Best known for his roles in Inglourious Basterds, X-Men: FIrst Class and Shame, Fassbender is an absoloutely fantastic actor. I think he can play both the suave playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne, and also the mysterious, brooding and menacing Batman. If they don't go for Fassbender however, I think Guy Pearce could also do a great job.

Wonder Woman/ Princess Diana of Themyscira- Gina Carano
Wonder Woman needs to be a woman who is tough, but equally good-looking. That's why I chose Gina Carano. A former American Gladiator and mixed-martial artist turned actress, Carano is the embodiment of tough-meets-sexy. She has been in a few action roles in her career, most recently Haywire, and soon to be in Fast & Furious 6, Carano has shown that she can kick ass. She is amazingly good-looking, but also can prove herself when fighting. That's why she not only should be Wonder Woman, but would be terrific as her. But, if DC and Warner Bros decide against it, I suggest In Time and TRON: Legacy star Olivia Wilde as a back-up option. She too would make a very good Wonder Woman.

The Flash/ Barry Allen- Bradley Cooper
I had a hard time choosing The Flash, and he was actually the last one in this list I decided on. There were a lot of actors on my radar, which I'll get to later, but ultimately decided on Silver Linings Playbook star Bradley Cooper. A lot of people underestimated Cooper's acting ability until Silver Linings Playbook, and to be honest, I did too. But, he has proven himself in my eyes, and I think because of his comedic experience and his more action-like roles (thinking back to Limitless), Cooper can definitely play The Flash. He has the look and general wise-cracking vibe about him that shows he can be The Flash. Like I said before, The Flash was hard to cast. I thought of people like Chris Pine, Michael Rosenbaum and even James Franco, who could all do excellent as The Flash.

Green Lantern/ Hal Jordan- Matt Bomer
I think everyone agrees with me when I say that Ryan Reynolds shouldn't come back as Green Lantern. Even he does, he said in a recent interview that he'd only come back if things changed for the better. So, DC and Warner Bros should make a smart move in choosing someone that isn't Ryan Reynolds. I think that White Collar and Magic Mike star Matt Bomer would make a great Hal Jordan. He can bring that certain wise-cracking, yet serious edge that is needed for Green Lantern. Even though Bomer wasn't my first choice, with Taylor Kitsch and Jared Leto being in my mind at one point, after a lot of thinking, Bomer won my heart. Still, anyone is better than Ryan Reynolds.

So, now that the official roster is out of the way, I'm going to list some other Justice League members that may or may not be in the movie, or their own movies, and who should play them.

Martian Manhunter/ J'onn J'onzz- Christopher Judge
Originally, I thought of actors that were really buff and physically strong. Vin Diesel and David Bautista came to mind, but then I thought of how Martian Manhunter would work on screen. He will most likely be CGI, so that isn't going to be a problem. But, someone has to voice him. Now, this one took a bit of research, mainly involving watching YouTube clips of TV shows and movies, just to hear what actors sounded like. Then I came across Stargate star Christopher Judge. I haven't watched Stargate, but watching interviews and clips of him, I realized that Judge would make a great voice for Martian Manhunter. Plus, if need be, he could even play him physically, he has the body for it.

Aquaman/ Arthur Curry- Kellan Lutz
A lot of people think that Aquaman is useless and that he can only speak to fish. That's not true. When he comes in contact with water, he gains superhuman strength and agility. Plus, he has a fairly big backstory. So, he needs someone who can pull off strong, noble and complex characters. That's when Kellan Lutz comes in. The Twilight star has appeared in many films over the years, including Immortals where he played God of the Sea Poseidon. So, playing Ruler of the Sea Aquaman isn't that far of a stretch. If Lutz isn't chosen, then I suggest Liam Hemsworth as an alternative. But, Lutz is definitely my frst choice.

Green Arrow/ Oliver Queen- Charlie Hunnam
Yeah, you read that correctly. It's not Stephen Amell from the series Arrow. I don't get why people keep recasting him. He's not going to be in the movie. So, here's my choice. I have four words for you. Watch Sons of Anarchy. Watch Sons of Anarchy and then you'll realize why I chose Charlie Hunnam. He does an amazing job as Jax on it and I think he'd do an equally amazing job as Green Arrow. He looks like he can pull it off, and he can lead a cast like no one I know. Hunnam would be perfect for Green Arrow, but The Killing star Joel Kinnaman or TRON: Legacy's Garrett Hedlund would both do well in the role.

So, those are my choices. If you have any comments or questions, leave them in the comments and don't be afraid to suggest some of your choices for the Justice League. Well, thanks for reading, and I hope you stay! Bye!

-Ryan Meyers

Tuesday 14 May 2013

SCREAMtv confirmed...but what does that mean for Scream 5?

After speculation for many months, MTV has finally gained the rights to create the movie franchise Scream into a weekly TV show. News like this spread viral over the internet within hours and backlash already started to occur with fans stating "This has got to be the worst news since Volcano's release" and "You have got to be kidding me? What a way to ruin ghostface." Fans are not taking it lightly. 

The first official teaser was released last week.
Wes Craven however, the director of the four films, was asked to be part of the new product that will air next year in 2014. He stated on his twitter account, he must see a script first before signing on to the project. News like this also had Craven ask what fans would rather....SCREAMtv or Scream 5. Scream 5 was the much more popular answer. 

However, with it becoming a TV show, will Scream 5 really be possible to happen? A TV show as well as a new trilogy is highly unlikely, but fans are still demanding for the anticipated film we were promised to begin filming in 2011 after the release of the fourth film. 

There is no information stating whether Kevin Williamson, the writer of the four films, will be a part of the program. However, with his very popular and successful series, The Following, heading into a second season, I doubt he will have time in his schedule. 

The main trio of the four films, Sidney (Neve Campbell), Gale (Courtney Cox) and Dewey (David Arquette) are not known to be involved at the given time. Plenty of rumours however state that all three will appear in cameos only to be killed off early in the series. Some people hate this idea however as it will be the definite end to the franchise in film version.  

Thanks for reading, 

Monday 13 May 2013

First Look At Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coming To ABC

Didn't he... die?
Within the last week, television networks have been announcing which of their shows have been picked up, renewed or cancelled. Well, over at ABC, one particular show has been picked up for a full season. That show is Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. that starts later this year. Marvel has given us a sneak peek at the show by releasing a 32-second trailer.

The trailer shows the series' star Clark Gregg, who plays Agent Phil Coulson. If you remember back to The Avengers, Phil Coulson died at the hands of Loki, so how they're going to explain why he's back is a big question. The trailer also gives us a look at some of the series' main cast and agents, as well as having cameos of The Avengers themselves. I'm excited for this, and I hope it turns out well.

Here's the trailer:

Friday 10 May 2013

Fox Considering Bringing Back 24

Nothing more appealing than ominous glowing numbers...
Any fans of 24 up in here? Well, apparently there are plans over at Fox to bring back the hit series. The series focused on special agent Jack Bauer (played by Kiefer Sutherland), who worked alongside the government to take down terrorists. The show ended in 2010 after 8 very successful seasons, and there were even rumours of a film adaption. The success of the show is indisputable and a possible return I'm sure will get fans excited.

Apparently, Fox is considering bringing it back as a limited season (meaning a few episodes and a storyline that will be wrapped up in those episodes, without cliffhangers and the such). What's more interesting is that Howard Gordon, the show's original frontrunner and who's now working on the show Homeland, is the one who brought up the idea to Fox. And, to top it off, Kiefer Sutherland is apparently in talks to return as Jack Bauer. This sounds interesting, and I'm sure that fans will watch it either way.

Ryan Meyers

Wednesday 8 May 2013

First Trailer For The World's End Has Arrived

Nothing like a good beer.
The first trailer for the hit comedy The World's End has come out. The movie stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost, the comedic duo from films like Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Paul. The film is about a group of five friends who go on a tour of a whole lot of pubs in order to get to one called The World's End, but find out that humankind is in danger.

I'm excited about this movie. I love Pegg and Frost. There's something about them that makes me crack up every time they're on screen together. This sounds like it's going to be another classic Pegg/ Frost comedy, and any fan of theirs will love them.

Here's the trailer:

Ryan Meyers

Friday 3 May 2013

Fantastic Four Reboot Gets Early Casting Rumours

Is that Captain America?
Okay, so the Fantastic Four reboot is coming together quit nicely over at Fox. With Chronicle director Josh Trank at the helm and producer of Kick-Ass Matthew Vaughn involved, all that's left is the cast. Well, we've got word that Fox is already looking at some stars to fill the roles. There's word that Fox is already got some actors "in talks" for the roles of Human Torch and Invisible Woman, apparently.

It seems they are looking at star of HBO's hit show Girls Allison Williams for Sue Storm/ Invisible Woman. I haven't actually seen Girls, but my brother has and he said that she's amazing in it. I'm not so sure about it, I need to see Girls before I make any judgements. But, at this point, anyone is better than Jessica Alba.

Now, moving on to another cast rumour. It seems that Chronicle star Michael B Jordan has been having talks with Fox for Human Torch, previously played Captain America himself, Chris Evans. I actually have seen Chronicle, and Jordan is amazing in it. He could pull off Johnny Storm.

"But wait?" I hear you ask, "Aren't Human Torch and Invisible Woman siblings?" Well, yes they are. "Well, if they're siblings, then how come they want two different raced people to play them?" Well, I don't think it matters. Fox is obviously looking for great actors and actresses to play the roles, regardless of race. That's something that can easily be fixed by saying one's adopted or they're step-siblings or something. Don't freak out. If you want to cry over them casting a different raced person than the comics, complain about Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury or Jamie Foxx as Electro.

Ryan Meyers

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Bryan Singer Teases The Return Of Hugh Jackman For X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Even superheroes get itchy scalps...
With production well under way in director Bryan Singer's X-Men: First Class sequel, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, the director has been tweeting a lot of pictures from the set. And I mean, a lot. He has already put up photos of Patrick Stewart as Professor X, Halle Berry as Storm and a bunch of other returning characters. But today's revelation came as a bit of a surprise to most, as he tweeted out this photo:
I know right? If you can't make out who this is, I'm going to straight up tell you. This is none other than Hugh Jackman in costume as Wolverine. I know it's hard to tell by this angle, but no one else has the same haircut or mutton chops. I was on the fence about whether he'd be in this one, but now this came out, I'm glad. With The Wolverine coming out soon and then this, it looks like we'll be seeing a lot of Hugh Jackman.

Ryan Meyers