Tuesday 14 May 2013

SCREAMtv confirmed...but what does that mean for Scream 5?

After speculation for many months, MTV has finally gained the rights to create the movie franchise Scream into a weekly TV show. News like this spread viral over the internet within hours and backlash already started to occur with fans stating "This has got to be the worst news since Volcano's release" and "You have got to be kidding me? What a way to ruin ghostface." Fans are not taking it lightly. 

The first official teaser was released last week.
Wes Craven however, the director of the four films, was asked to be part of the new product that will air next year in 2014. He stated on his twitter account, he must see a script first before signing on to the project. News like this also had Craven ask what fans would rather....SCREAMtv or Scream 5. Scream 5 was the much more popular answer. 

However, with it becoming a TV show, will Scream 5 really be possible to happen? A TV show as well as a new trilogy is highly unlikely, but fans are still demanding for the anticipated film we were promised to begin filming in 2011 after the release of the fourth film. 

There is no information stating whether Kevin Williamson, the writer of the four films, will be a part of the program. However, with his very popular and successful series, The Following, heading into a second season, I doubt he will have time in his schedule. 

The main trio of the four films, Sidney (Neve Campbell), Gale (Courtney Cox) and Dewey (David Arquette) are not known to be involved at the given time. Plenty of rumours however state that all three will appear in cameos only to be killed off early in the series. Some people hate this idea however as it will be the definite end to the franchise in film version.  

Thanks for reading, 


  1. I would rather Scream 5 much more. And maybe even the 6th film we were promised. MTV is just going to ruin it.

  2. I think the Scream MTV series might actually be quite good. It will turn the horror classic into terror in modern times which will have a very interesting approach. I think the move of starting off the series with one of the main trio is a bit too far but hey, if it's anything like the original, surely a major star will die early on...just like the shocking and amazing scene of Drew Barrymore/Casey Becker. Good Luck MTV...just don't ruin it.

  3. Duh! Scream 5 obviously. MTV is just going to ruin it. Worse news since volcano....love that....ahaha.

  4. Open eyed question...of course I'd prefer Scream 5 and 6. FIX! FIX! FIX!

  5. A very interesting article. I for one am actually excited for the new fresh approach that MTV is going to give this classic.

  6. However, there is the argument. I would also love to see where the movie franchise would go...especially with Neve, Courtney, David and Hayden in the production. Maybe the series will be off Kirby Reed...that would be quite exciting but surely would have to include some of the trio. I would love both...the only thing similar would be Ghostface and murder/mystery.

    1. kirby died she wont come back but however we saw her bleed out whether they didnt show her die it sed It is unknown whether or not she survived the attack it is unlikely she survived there was alot of blood and it took a long time so she most likely bled out before they got to her tht is a debate as well i think she died

  7. Kathy Loo McGinski15 May 2013 at 17:57

    The Following is so amazing. What amazing work from mastermind Kevin Williamson. <3

  8. Kathy Loo McGinski15 May 2013 at 17:57

    If Kevin Williamson is involved in the series, I don't see it being a bad thing. But I would rather a 2nd trilogy.

  9. Finally, some post besides superheroes....they are totes over-rated and boring. Please guys, stick to some good movies/shows. I personally would rather Scream 5 and 6 but I am not going to judge before I at least see a trailer to this new approach at Scream.

  10. I've been looking at this blog for a while but haven't followed because all of the superhero stuff....stick to posts like these and I will follow. Deal? Great reviews by the way...Dodgeball 2 shall be good, and the return of 24. :D XD I look forward to reaching future posts of yours Dylan/Unnecessary 3D.

  11. It's interesting to see other peoples opinions on top of those on twitter.

  12. It has to be Scream 5. I cant imagine ghostface without Sidney, Gale and Dewey

  13. i think they should do another film the others were great maybe not make the new one about sidneys mum cause the others were about getting revenge scream 1 billy stu because she slept with his dad and his mum left also stu was peer pressured he said scream 2 billy's mum sids mum ruined her marriage and family micky was just wanting to kill and get away with it scream 3 sids bro wanted sids life because she had everythin she had a mother he never slight difference but still partially about her scream 4 was different because it was about her and jill wanting to be her

  14. forgot to add tht if they do a series sidney gale and dewey are killed off tht is lame they are the stars and the whole scream franchise was build round thm they will lose alot of audience like tht were if they do a film they can change it a bit dewey and gale have baby sidney gets baby wen she find a man thn it starts again with the children but when they get older i mean if they targeted sidney because of her mum well they can do same story but with a twist next gen

  15. I'll watch it. But id like to see two. I'm sorry if they don't want to do it. But they signed the contract which made all of them famous. They wouldn't be who the stars r today without. So i feel they should suck it up. Sign on. Have some more money in their pocket. They've been playing these characters for years. So it'll be an easy job.
