Wednesday 1 May 2013

Bryan Singer Teases The Return Of Hugh Jackman For X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Even superheroes get itchy scalps...
With production well under way in director Bryan Singer's X-Men: First Class sequel, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, the director has been tweeting a lot of pictures from the set. And I mean, a lot. He has already put up photos of Patrick Stewart as Professor X, Halle Berry as Storm and a bunch of other returning characters. But today's revelation came as a bit of a surprise to most, as he tweeted out this photo:
I know right? If you can't make out who this is, I'm going to straight up tell you. This is none other than Hugh Jackman in costume as Wolverine. I know it's hard to tell by this angle, but no one else has the same haircut or mutton chops. I was on the fence about whether he'd be in this one, but now this came out, I'm glad. With The Wolverine coming out soon and then this, it looks like we'll be seeing a lot of Hugh Jackman.

Ryan Meyers

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