Sunday 28 April 2013

Zack Snyder Will Be Asked To Direct Justice League Depending On Man Of Steel

It's a bird! It's a plane! Why are we so excited?!
Even though it isn't coming out until June, a lot seems to be riding on the success of Man Of Steel. Director Zack Snyder sets a tone for all future DC projects, and Superman's big return to the big screen is going to be an obvious success. It's highly unlikely that it wouldn't. Millions of geeks around the world will go to see it because it's Superman.

In the latest issue of Empire Magazine, it was revealed that Warner Bros will ask Zack Snyder to take the helm of the 2015 blockbuster, Justice League. This news doesn't come as a surprise. Zack Snyder kind of dominates DC right now, especially since Christopher Nolan isn't directing any superhero movies anymore.

Snyder's an amazing director. If you don't believe me, go see Watchmen, Sucker Punch or 300, then tell me I'm wrong. I'm sure Man Of Steel will be a huge hit, so right now, Zack Snyder's the man for the job.

Ryan Meyers

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