Thursday 6 June 2013

21 Jump Street Sequel Called, You Guessed It, 22 Jump Street

Starring Fabio and Eminem.
Movies that have numbers in their titles are always hard to name when it comes to sequels. 300 dodged a bullet when they announced their upcoming sequel/spin-off 300: Rise of the Empire. Today's news came as a bit of a shock, but actually quite expected. It was announced that the sequel to 2012's comedy hit 21 Jump Street, starring Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, will be called 22 Jump Street.

Not much is known about this film quite yet, except that it will find Tatum and Hill infiltrating a college, and that Ice Cube will return as Captain Dickson. I loved the first film, but haven't got around to watching the original series yet, even though it kick-started Johnny Depp's career. I can't wait for this to come out, but I'll have to until June 2014.

Ryan Meyers

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