Sunday 2 June 2013

The Expendables 3 Gets 4 New Cast Members

Alright, I'm in.
The third installment to the hit action film series starring everybody' favourite 80's action stars has found more action stars to star. The Expendables 3, produced by  Sylvester Stallone, has signed on four more big names to the roster. These are Wesley Snipes, Jackie Chan, Milla Jovovich and audience favourite, Nicolas Cage. I love all of these actors, and finally, we're getting gender equality in this.

There have been rumours going around for a while about Snipes, Chan and Cage being in this, but this is the first I've heard about Jovovich, and I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm glad to see Stallone finally adding a female into the mix. And this gives us more of an idea of how the all-female Expendables would work, maybe it could be a spin-off of this. Either way, I'm excited to see it.

Ryan Meyers

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