Wednesday 24 April 2013

Expendables 3 Has Found It's Director

Why is Stallone the only one in sunglasses?
The director's chair has been filled for the action blockbuster, The Expendables 3. The film is the third installment of the action series that includes pretty much every action star of the good ol' days. Sylvester Stallone, who starred in and wrote the first two films, as well as directing the first film, announced on Twitter that he had "found a exciting director" and that the film needed "freshness, class and much badass." It seems like he's found someone he likes, and that is Patrick Hughes.

The Australian isn't shy when it comes to action, directing the 2010 film Red Hill. Stallone has praised Hughes' short film Signs (not that Signs) many times on Twitter throughout the day, so it seems he likes Hughes' work. Let's hope it works out for them.

Ryan Meyers

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