Monday 15 April 2013

Introducing Us

Welcome to Unnecessary 3D! This is a blog that will mostly focus on movies, including older, newer and upcoming films. We will post news the day it breaks about films, write articles about films we'd like to see and more fun things about movies.

We will try to post a movie review every week, but we are nowhere near proper critics. These will be the average person's point of view to films, and won't be like those snobby film critics we all know.

As the blog goes on, and more movies come out, you can put in requests to what movies you'd like us to see and review. Keep in mind we're in Australia, so we have different release dates to America, but we'll try our hardest to see the films you guys suggest.

As for now, that's all I have to say! I hope you stick around and read our blog, hopefully you get something out of it, and feel free to contact us with any suggestions, comments or questions.

Yours truly,

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