Friday 26 April 2013

Iron Man 4 May Not Happen; Whedon Hints At New Members In Avengers 2

Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist
So, with the premiere of Iron Man 3 in Los Angeles, pretty much everyone in Marvel's address book walked the red carpet. While many didn't stop to have long interviews with reporters and such, we did get a comment from star Gwyneth Paltrow regarding the future of the Iron Man series. While talking to a Kevin McCarthy on his show on (found here, the comment is at around the 6:35 to 6:40 mark), Paltrow said "I don't think there's going to be [an Iron Man 4]. I think we're done with Iron Man." Okay, take this as a guess. Paltrow may know something we don't, but she doesn't make the decisions.

However, she did sound genuinely convinced when saying this. And, just to back this up, after The Avengers 2, Robert Downey Jr and Gwyneth Paltrow's contracts are up for renegotiation, or in simple terms, the contract ends and the studio needs to talk with them about if they want to come back etc. So, if there isn't going to be an Iron Man 4, or even no more Robert Downey Jr, then how is The Avengers 3 going to work? Well, Marvel producer Kevin Feige has said in the past that the studio may take a "James Bond" approach and use different actors for the same character. But, that's still not a definite confirmation.

In other Marvel news, director and creative genius behind The Avengers, Joss Whedon, may or may not have told us two new characters in The Avengers 2. When asked about how the script for the sequel is coming along, he said this about some possible new characters. "I've got these two characters, two of my favourite characters from the comic book, a brother-sister act. They're in the movie." Now, that makes me think of Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. They are a twin brother-sister combo, and have both been in The Avengers comics. But, this may be just throwing out some rumours for the fans to gasp over, but we can hope.

Once again, this is just pure speculation from two comments. The Avengers 2 won't be out until 2015, and we're going to have to wait and see. I do hope they include Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, I really like them. What do you guys think? Leave some comments and tell us what you think.

Ryan Meyers

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